Mastering HTML Head Tag: A Comprehensive Guide to its Tags and Their Uses

The HTML head tag is an important element that is used to provide information about a web page. It is typically placed between the opening and closing html tags and contains metadata, scripts, styles, and other information that is used to help browsers and search engines understand the content and structure of the page.

In this article, we will discuss the HTML head tag in detail, including all its child elements such as the style, meta, and script tags. We will also explain how each of these elements is used and provide examples of their implementation.

The Purpose of the HTML Head Tag

The HTML head tag is used to provide information about a web page that is not displayed in the main body of the page. This information can include the page title, descriptions, keywords, styles, and scripts. The html head tag is also used to link to external resources such as CSS files and JavaScript files.

The following is a list of all the tags that can be used within the HTML Head Tag tag:

  1. <title>
    • This tag defines the title of the document, which is displayed in the browser’s title bar or tab.
  2. <meta>
    • This tag is used to provide metadata about the HTML document, such as keywords, description, author, and character set.
    • This tag is also used to specify the viewport settings for the HTML document, which can control how the document is displayed on mobile devices.
    • This tag can also be used to specify the content type of the HTML document, which can affect how the document is rendered.
    • This tag can also be used to define the author of the HTML document.
    • This tag can also be used for Social sharing OG (Open Graph) tags for sharing content on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn Instagram etc
  3. <link>
    • This tag is used to link external resources to the HTML document, such as CSS stylesheets, favicons, or other HTML documents.
    • This tag can also be used to link to RSS or Atom feeds, which can provide syndicated content.
    • This tag can also be used to define DNS prefetching settings, which can improve the performance of the HTML document.
    • This tag can also be used to link to external JavaScript libraries or frameworks, such as jQuery or React.
  4. <style>
    • This tag is used to define inline styles for elements within the HTML document.
    • This tag can also be used to define media-specific styles for different devices or screen sizes.
    • This tag can also be used to define CSS animations or transitions.
    • This tag can also be used to define print-specific styles for the HTML document, which can control how the document is printed.
  5. <script>
    • This tag is used to include scripts within the HTML document, which can be used to add interactivity or dynamic functionality.
    • This tag can also be used to include external scripts from other sources, such as CDN networks.
    • This tag can also be used to include scripts that are loaded asynchronously or deferred, which can improve the performance of the HTML document.
  6. <base>
    • This tag specifies the base URL for all relative URLs within the HTML document.
    • This tag can also be used to specify a default target for all links within the HTML document.
    • This tag can also be used to specify a different language for the HTML document.
  7. <noscript>
    • This tag is used to define content that should be displayed if the user’s browser does not support JavaScript.

The Basic Structure of the HTML Head Tag

The basic structure of the html head tag is as follows:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <!-- Metadata, styles, scripts, and other information goes here -->
    <!-- The main content of the web page goes here -->

As you can see, the html head tag is placed between the opening html tag and the opening body tag. All information that is included in the head tag is not displayed on the web page itself, but is instead used to help browsers and search engines understand the content and structure of the page.

Child Elements of the HTML Head Tag

The html head tag can contain a variety of child elements that provide information about the web page. These elements include:

The Title Tag

The <title> tag is used to specify the title of the HTML document. The title is displayed in the title bar of the web browser and is also used by search engines to display the title of the page in search results.

  <title>Example Website</title>

The Meta Tag

The <meta> tag is used to provide metadata about the web page. This metadata can include information such as the page description, keywords, author, and other information that is used by search engines and browsers to understand the content of the page. The <meta> tag is typically placed between the opening and closing <head> tags, like this:

  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta name="description" content="This is an example website.">
  <meta name="keywords" content="HTML, CSS, JavaScript">
  <meta name="author" content="John Doe">

Using meta tag for social sharing

Social sharing OG (Open Graph) tags are special meta tags that can be added to the head section of an HTML document to provide social media platforms with specific information about the content being shared. This information is used by social media platforms to generate a preview of the shared content that includes a title, description, image, and other relevant information.

Here are some of the most commonly used OG tags for social sharing on different platforms:


<!-- Twitter -->
<meta name="twitter:card" content="summary" />
<meta name="twitter:site" content="@username" />
<meta name="twitter:title" content="Title of the page" />
<meta name="twitter:description" content="Description of the page" />
<meta name="twitter:image" content="" />

twitter:card: This tag specifies the type of Twitter card to use for the shared link. Twitter cards allow you to attach rich media to Tweets that link to your content.

twitter:title: This tag specifies the title of the content being shared on Twitter.

twitter:description: This tag specifies the description of the content being shared on Twitter.

twitter:image: This tag specifies the image that should be used as the thumbnail for the shared link on Twitter.


<!-- Facebook -->
<meta property="og:title" content="Title of the page" />
<meta property="og:description" content="Description of the page" />
<meta property="og:image" content="" />
<meta property="og:url" content="" />
<meta property="og:type" content="website" />

og:title: This tag specifies the title of the content being shared. It will be displayed as the title of the shared link.

og:description: This tag specifies the description of the content being shared. It will be displayed as the description of the shared link.

og:image: This tag specifies the image that should be used as the thumbnail for the shared link. It is recommended to use an image with a minimum size of 1200 x 630 pixels.

og:url: This tag specifies the URL of the content being shared. It will be used as the link for the shared content.

og:type: This tag specifies the type of content being shared. This can be one of several values, such as “article”, “website”, or “video”.


<!-- LinkedIn -->
<meta property="og:title" content="Title of the page" />
<meta property="og:description" content="Description of the page" />
<meta property="og:image" content="" />
<meta property="og:url" content="" />
<meta property="og:type" content="website" />

linkedin:title This tag specifies the title of the content being shared on LinkedIn.

linkedin:description: This tag specifies the description of the content being shared on LinkedIn.

linkedin:image: This tag specifies the image that should be used as the thumbnail for the shared link on LinkedIn.


<meta property="og:type" content="instapp:photo" />
<meta property="og:title" content="Title of the image" />
<meta property="og:image" content="" />
<meta property="og:description" content="Description of the image" />
<meta property="instapp:hashtags" content="tag1,tag2,tag3" />

og:type: This tag specifies the type of content being shared, which is a photo on Instagram.

og:title: This tag specifies the title of the image being shared.

og:image: This tag specifies the URL of the image being shared.

og:description: This tag specifies the description of the image being shared.

instaapp:hashtags: This tag specifies the hashtags associated with the image being shared.

It is important to note that Instagram only supports the sharing of images and videos, and not other types of content such as links or articles.

The <link> Tag

The <link> tag is used to link an external resource to the HTML document, such as a stylesheet, icon, or script file.

  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css">
  <link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="favicon.png">
  <link rel="preload" href="script.js" as="script">

The Style Tag

The <style> tag is used to define the styles for the web page. These styles can be used to control the font, color, size, and layout of the page. It can be used to define styles for individual elements or for the entire document. The style tag is typically placed between the opening and closing html head tags, like this:

        body {
            font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
            background-color: #f0f0f0;
        h1 {
            font-size: 24px;
            color: #0080ff;

The Script Tag

The <script> tag is used to include JavaScript code within the HTML document. This code can be used to add interactivity to the document, such as handling user input and changing the content of the page. Here’s an example:

  <title>My Website</title>
    function showAlert() {
      alert("Hello, world!");

In this example, the <script> tag contains a JavaScript function that displays an alert message when called.

The <base> Tag:

The <base> tag specifies the base URL for all relative URLs in a document. Here’s an example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <base href="">
    <title>My Website</title>
    <p>Welcome to my website!</p>
    <a href="about.html">About</a>

In the example above, the <base> tag sets the base URL for all relative URLs in the document to ““. This means that the link to the “about.html” page will be resolved as “

The <noscript> Tag

The <noscript> tag defines an alternate content for users who have disabled scripts in their web browser. Here’s an example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>My Website</title>
    <script src="myscript.js"></script>
      <p>Please enable JavaScript to view this website.</p>
    <p>Welcome to my website!</p>

In the example above, the <noscript> tag defines a message that will be displayed to users who have disabled JavaScript in their web browser. If JavaScript is enabled, the <script> tag will load the “myscript.js” file.

The <template> Tag

The <template> tag is used to declare a reusable content that can be cloned and inserted into the document dynamically using JavaScript. Here’s an example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>My Website</title>
    <template id="mytemplate">
    <div id="mycontainer"></div>
      // Clone and insert the template content into the document
      const template = document.querySelector('#mytemplate');
      const container = document.querySelector('#mycontainer');
      const instance = template.content.cloneNode(true);
      instance.querySelector('h2').textContent = 'Hello World';
      instance.querySelector('p').textContent = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet';

In the example above, the <template> tag defines a template for a content block that can be cloned and inserted into the document dynamically. The template has two placeholders “{{title}}” and “{{content}}” that can be replaced with actual values when the template is cloned. The JavaScript code at the bottom of the document clones the template, replaces the placeholders with actual values, and inserts the content into the “mycontainer” div.


Overall, the HTML Head Tag is an essential part of the HTML document, providing important information about the document and its content. By using the various child tags within the <head> tag, developers can ensure that their HTML documents are well-organized and easily understood by both humans and machines.

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